Featured on LinkedIn: Social media vs. SEO

If I was paid a dollar for every time I heard someone say, "social media doesn't contribute to the bottom line," I'd have that beach home I've always wanted. 🌊🏠

Unfortunately, no one's paying me, so the beach home will have to wait a bit longer. But, I want to make an important point here. 👇

Because it can sometimes be a challenge to associate revenue with social media efforts, a lot of companies put their eggs in these two baskets instead— SEO and Google ads.

They're certainly difficult to do well, considering the tough (and pricey) competition out there, but it's generally easier to measure efficacy. And when you see success, you typically see it in an impactful way.

However, I think we're missing the boat with social media.

SEO is great for targeting users who are already searching for your products/services, while social media marketing can create buzz and interest around your brand by engaging with users in a meaningful way.

Additionally, companies that do social media marketing well can gain valuable insights into how their customers think and what they want, using social listening tools, influencers, surveys/polls, engagement metrics, and audience analysis.

It's like getting the inside scoop on how to build stronger relationships with your customers and drive business growth. 🤩

And it most definitely can generate revenue for your brand. Here are some examples:

✨ In 2015, REI launched a social media campaign called #OptOutside, which encouraged people to spend time outdoors on Black Friday rather than shopping. The campaign was a huge success, with millions of people sharing photos and stories of their outdoor adventures on social media. REI saw a 26% increase in online sales during the holiday season.

✨ In 2017, Wendy's launched a social media campaign called "Nuggs for Carter," which promised a year's supply of chicken nuggets to a teenager named Carter Wilkerson if he could get 18 million retweets. The campaign went viral, with people from around the world retweeting the post. Wendy's saw a 1.5% increase in same-store sales in the first quarter of 2017 and a 3.2% increase in the second quarter.

✨ In 2010, Old Spice launched a series of humorous commercials and social media videos featuring the character, "The Old Spice Guy." The campaign went viral, generating over 1.4 billion social media impressions and resulting in a 107% increase in sales and a 55% increase in website traffic.

So, wake up and smell the coffee! ☀️ Stop snoozing on social media and start seeing the results you deserve!

We can help you brew up a winning strategy that will have your audience coming back for more. 👉 Hapacity.com


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